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Kick-off meeting in Zhurich Koichi Yamamori (Kyoto Univ.)


Dec. 8, 2023

I am a postdoc in my second year but I had little experience going abroad. Of course, there were some plans to interact with overseas university laboratories and participate in international conferences when I was a student. But they did not materialize for a variety of reasons. I attended the kick-off meeting in the hope that it would provide me with an opportunity to make connections and gain confidence in my plans to study abroad.

While listening to the oral presentations in the morning of the kick-off meeting, I felt quite nervous. This is because I was not confident in my English. I wondered whether I would be able to sufficiently convey the interest in my research in front of world-renowned high-level research presentations and whether I would be able to understand the questions and engage in appropriate discussions.

However, when it came time for the flash talk to introduce the content of the poster presentation, I found that the participants were nodding their heads and listening to my presentation. As I spoke, I felt confident that my English was understood and that my ideas were being conveyed. In the poster presentation that followed, I was able to convey my research in a dignified manner, and I was able to get some new feedback. I would like to continue to improve my English and communication skills so that I can interact with more researchers in the future.

As a matter of fact, I am in charge of drafting the logo for KEPLR. I designed the logo so that the central dot represents a researcher and the lines representing the network among researchers form the outline of a flower. The reason for the flower motif is that this project focuses on plant reproduction, and it also means that young researchers like me will "bloom" as accomplished researchers through their overseas experience. I would like to use this kick-off meeting as an opportunity to study abroad and devote myself to blooming as a researcher.

  • The author introducing our research at Flash Talk.

  • The author discussing in front of the poster



  • Postdoctoral researcher
  • Nasuda Group
  • Kyoto University
  • Reproductive Development
  • Genome Flexibility
  • Cell-to-cell Communications
  • Field science
  • Structural biology

Kengo Sakurai (Iwata Group) won a poster award Doctoral student Kengo Sakurai (IwataG) received an poster award at the Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023


Oct. 16, 2023

The Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023 was held, featuring a Poster Session with 31 presenters. Kengo Sakurai, a doctoral student in the Iwata Group, won an award for his presentation titled 「Crossing Strategy for Plant Breeding」.

Name of the award: “Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023” Poster Award

Presentation title: 「Crossing Strategy for Plant Breeding」
1Kengo Sakurai, 2Kosuke Hamazaki, 1Minoru Inamori, 3Akito Kaga, 1Hiroyoshi Iwata

1 Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo
2 RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), RIKEN
3 Institute of Crop Science, Natural Agriculture and Food Research Organization


The 2024 Vienna BioCenter Summer School


Dec. 2, 2023

The application process for the Vienna BioCenter Summer School, set to take place in 2024, has begun


The Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023 was held.


Oct. 15, 2023

The 'Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023' was held in Zurich on the 15th and 17th of October 2023. This symposium was organized to promote collaboration between the University of Tokyo, the University of Zurich, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. We, KEPLR, co-hosted the 'Workshop on Plant Biology'.

キックオフミーティングを終えて 京都大学 農学研究科 ポスドク 山森晃一


Dec. 1, 2023



実は筆者はKEPLRのロゴの原案を担当している。このロゴは中心の点が研究者を表しており、研究者間のネットワークを表す線が花の輪郭になるようにデザインをしたつもりである。花をモチーフにした理由は、本プロジェクトが植物の生殖にフォーカスしていることに加え、筆者のような若手が海外経験を通じて立派な研究者として ‘花開く’ という意味も込めている。筆者自身もこのキックオフミーティングミーティングをきっかけに留学し、研究者として花開くよう精進したい。

  • フラッシュトークにて、自身の研究を紹介する筆者。

  • ポスターを前に議論する筆者



  • Postdoctoral researcher
  • Nasuda Group
  • Kyoto University
  • Reproductive Development
  • Genome Flexibility
  • Cell-to-cell Communications
  • Field science
  • Structural biology

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