Activities Events

KEPLR Kick-Off Meeting Zurich


Dec. 1, 2023

The kick-off meeting in Europe was organized by Vice-Director Professor Ueli Grossniklaus. It took place on November 21, 2023, at the University of Zurich in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, with 69 attendees.

At the symposium, lectures were given by KEPLR members. During the poster session, discussions took place between the presenters, who are young researchers, and other researchers.

Kengo Sakurai (Iwata Group) won a poster award Doctoral student Kengo Sakurai (IwataG) received an poster award at the Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023


Oct. 16, 2023

The Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023 was held, featuring a Poster Session with 31 presenters. Kengo Sakurai, a doctoral student in the Iwata Group, won an award for his presentation titled 「Crossing Strategy for Plant Breeding」.

Name of the award: “Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023” Poster Award

Presentation title: 「Crossing Strategy for Plant Breeding」
1Kengo Sakurai, 2Kosuke Hamazaki, 1Minoru Inamori, 3Akito Kaga, 1Hiroyoshi Iwata

1 Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo
2 RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), RIKEN
3 Institute of Crop Science, Natural Agriculture and Food Research Organization

The 2024 Vienna BioCenter Summer School


Dec. 2, 2023

The application process for the Vienna BioCenter Summer School, set to take place in 2024, has begun

The Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023 was held.


Oct. 15, 2023

The 'Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023' was held in Zurich on the 15th and 17th of October 2023. This symposium was organized to promote collaboration between the University of Tokyo, the University of Zurich, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. We, KEPLR, co-hosted the 'Workshop on Plant Biology'.

The fifth session of the KEPLR Seminar Series Oct. 10, 2023


Oct. 10, 2023

At KEPLR, we conduct seminars aimed at fostering connections among participants from our affiliated research labs. The fifth seminar was co-hosted by UedaG and ObayashiG, and took place at Tohoku University.

A scene from a Zoom meeting

  • Poster of the 5th KEPLR Seminar Series.

    Poster of the 5th KEPLR Seminar Series.



  • Professor
  • Obayashi Group
  • Tohoku University
  • Environmental Responses
  • Multi-omics
  • Modelling

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