[Co-Hosted by Our Project] Cold Spring Harbor Asia, Awaji, International Symposium (May 18–22, 2025)
We are pleased to announce that the Cold Spring Harbor Asia, Awaji, International Symposium will be held from Sunday, May 18, to Thursday, May 22, 2025. This symposium is co-hosted by Prof. Takeshi Izawa (The University of Tokyo), representing the topic “Genomic dynamics underlying the plastic hermaphroditism in plants (https://www.ige.tohoku.ac.jp/prg/flower/)”, and KEPLR.
The abstract deadline has been extended to March 28.
We warmly invite everyone to participate!
Sunday, May 18 – Thursday, May 22, 2025
Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center
1 Yumebutai, Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture, 656-2301, Japan
For more details, visit:
Plant Reproductive Development and Genomics, Awaji, Japan (https://www.csh-asia.org/?content/2653)