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国際学会発表:The genetic basis of the evolution of self-compatibility in wild Petunia axillaris

NAKAO Hiromu

Sep. 9, 2024

Participated in the XX International Botanical Congress held from July 21 to 27, 2024, and presented the following poster.

Title: The genetic basis of the evolution of self-compatibility in wild Petunia axillaris

Authors:Hiromu Nakao, Syo Ikeyatsu, Kazuho Isono ,Yu Okamura, Ken-Ichi Kubo, Aya Yoshida, Yoshinobu Kato, Sota Fujii, Kenta Shirasawa, Hitoshi Watanabe, Koichi Uehara, Takashi Tsuchimatsu


NAKAO Hiromu

  • Tsuchimatsu Group
  • The University of Tokyo

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