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Kengo Sakurai (Iwata Group) won a poster award Doctoral student Kengo Sakurai (IwataG) received an poster award at the Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023


Oct. 16, 2023

The Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023 was held, featuring a Poster Session with 31 presenters. Kengo Sakurai, a doctoral student in the Iwata Group, won an award for his presentation titled 「Crossing Strategy for Plant Breeding」.

Name of the award: “Interdisciplinary Strategic Partnership Tokyo – Zurich Symposium 2023” Poster Award

Presentation title: 「Crossing Strategy for Plant Breeding」
1Kengo Sakurai, 2Kosuke Hamazaki, 1Minoru Inamori, 3Akito Kaga, 1Hiroyoshi Iwata

1 Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo
2 RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), RIKEN
3 Institute of Crop Science, Natural Agriculture and Food Research Organization
